Georgia’s Future, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) focused on making Georgia the best place to live, work, and raise a family for generations to come.
We are passionate about policies and initiatives that support Georgia’s continued growth and future success.
To do that, we are focused on:
- Improving our K-12 education system, advancing higher education, and expanding technical education to support the talent of the future.
- Increasing access to healthcare, lowering costs, and strengthening price transparency.
- Investing in infrastructure to support job growth and continued economic development.
- Expanding workforce development and equipping the labor force of tomorrow with the tools they need to succeed today.
By supporting smart, balanced, pro-growth policies that prioritize the future of our state, Georgia can continue to lead the nation and reach new heights.
Please make checks payable to: Georgia’s Future, Inc. PO Box 1000 Springfield, GA 31329