Welcome to Georgia
Key Achievements by Conservative Leadership in the Georgia General AssemblyAs newer residents of Georgia, you may be interested to know how recent policies have shaped the state. Here are some key accomplishments by conservative leadership in the Georgia General Assembly that have made Georgia the best place to live, work and raise a family!

Tax Relief and Economic Growth
- Historic Income Tax Cuts: Georgia cut the income tax rate from 6% to below 5%, returning over $1 billion annually to Georgia taxpayers.
- Increased Tax Deductions: Doubled the standard tax deduction and raised the child tax deduction to $4,000.
- Property Tax Relief: Introduced a referendum to cap increases in property tax assessments.
- Tax Rebates and Refunds: Returned over $5 billion to taxpayers in recent years through property tax rebates, gas tax suspensions, and income tax rebates.

Investing in Education
- Fully Funded K-12 Education: Made historic investments in K-12 and higher education to support better learning environments and develop future leaders.
- Georgia Promise Scholarship Act: Provided $6,500 per student to families in underperforming school districts, enhancing educational choices for parents.
- Historic Teacher Pay Raises: Increased teacher pay by $9,500 over five years, making Georgia a leader in teacher salaries in the Southeast.
- Enhanced School Security: Allocated $109 million in grants for enhanced school security, including funding for security upgrades and resource officers.
- Expanded Dual Enrollment: Created more opportunities for students to earn college credits while still in high school.

Public Safety Enhancements
- Support for Law Enforcement: Allocated $50 million for $3,000 pay raises for state law enforcement officers.
- Stronger Legal Measures: Expanded bail requirements and increased penalties for violent crimes, including “swatting” and heinous offenses.
- Human Trafficking and Property Protections: Enacted new measures to combat human trafficking, protect property owners, and ensure better oversight of prosecutor actions.

Healthcare Access and Improvement
- Streamlined Healthcare Regulations: Eased regulations for opening healthcare facilities in rural areas and funded new medical and dental schools.
- Expanded Drug Recovery Services: Improved access to drug recovery centers and opioid treatments.
- Support for IVF and Maternal Health: Increased support for IVF treatments, expanded postpartum coverage, and launched new programs for remote and telehealth services.

Enhancing Quality of Life
- Career Development: Invested in high-demand career tracks and improved reporting on employment outcomes.
- State Employee Benefits: Provided a 4% raise and increased paid parental leave for state employees and teachers.
- Safe At Home Act: Introduced new protections for renters, including standards for rental properties and a grace period before eviction proceedings.